Friday, September 2, 2016

Who Knows Anymore?

What is your computer experience? I work around computers most of the time, but I'm no expert. I can do rudimentary photoshop, usually involving combining to images for a cheap laugh.

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator? I took Graphics Design my senior of high school, and (barely) passed. 

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator? No and No.

What is your major ? I'm currently a Game Design major, working towards a dream of bringing my art into the world as a platform of mind numbing video games.

What do you hope to get out of this class? I hope to improve my photoshop skills and improve my understanding of graphic design.

Who is your favorite artist? My favorite artists are Banksy and Andy Warhol. I can't choose between the two, they both did/do some weird and cool things with their respective mediums.

Who is your favorite musician? My favorite musician is Marilyn Manson, as his performances and music videos are so out there an bizarre, and force you to double take and look back, thinking to yourself "what the hell am I watching?"

Tell me something interesting about yourself? I enjoy reading novels, both graphic and otherwise, and spend a lot of my time (when not in school or working) reading or playing video games.

Write a five line story?

As I drove down the highway, the fetid night air whipping around my truck and the dark of the new moon seeming to devour all light, I was struck by a sudden thought. This thought, of such urgency that I was surprised it had not struck me before, was catapulted to the forefront of my mind. It forced me to question my recollection of the days events and drove me to near insanity. I wept with distress, unable to remember such an important, yet minuscule, detail. Did I turn the oven off before I left home?

Searching for the answer... I really hope I turned that oven off.

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